17 07, 2013

Updating Your Marketing Strategy

2019-03-20T22:08:10+00:00By |2 Comments

071613 Updating Your Marketing StrategyBack in 1980 when I started practicing law, lawyers touted this client development strategy: “Just do good work.” Even back then, that sounded naïve and simplistic to me, but perhaps it had validity when there were fewer lawyers competing for clients. The number of attorneys has almost tripled since then, yet I still hear experienced lawyers give newer lawyers that same business development advice.

The legal world has changed, however, and the old ways need a makeover. This article will provide a few ideas for updating some well-worn (and perhaps worn-out) business development strategies. […]

10 06, 2013

A Law Firm Associate’s Primer on Law Firm Economics

2019-02-26T19:35:47+00:00By |Comments Off on A Law Firm Associate’s Primer on Law Firm Economics

Law Firm EconomicsSometimes I speak to law students about law firm economics. The schools want me to tell students the financial aspects of law firms that young lawyers need to know, in order to be successful there. Law firm managing partners want me to help students understand how long it takes for a new lawyer to be profitable for the firm. Here’s some information about law firm economics for law students and young lawyers that serves the needs of everyone. […]

3 05, 2013

Why Lawyers Need a Marketing Niche

2019-02-26T19:37:03+00:00By |1 Comment

Marketing NicheOne might think that the topic of niche marketing has been covered ad nauseum, but I regularly coach lawyers who resist the concept. So I know that most lawyers don’t understand what they are missing, and why they should seriously consider establishing a niche. The first thing I point out is that each client wants an attorney who knows how to handle their specific problem. Who has enough time, money or energy to successfully market in several diverse practice areas? […]

28 03, 2013

A Chance to Grab a Better Law Firm Website Name

2019-03-11T21:17:38+00:00By |Comments Off on A Chance to Grab a Better Law Firm Website Name

Website and Domaine Blog 3-28-13There’s a big shake up going on in the world of internet domain names. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is accepting applications for new generic Top Level Domains (TLDs). Top Level Domains are the second half of your website name – the part that follows the “dot,” such as .com, .net and .info. Historically, ICANN authorized only 22 generic TLDs and 248 country code TLDs, like .ca or .fr. Recently, however, ICANN began accepting applications for the issuance of new descriptive TLDs, such as .book or .auto.

So why should you care about all this mumbo jumbo? […]

6 03, 2013

How to Properly Shorten Client Meetings That Drag On

2019-03-11T21:19:59+00:00By |2 Comments

In my last post, I wrote about how to recognize bad clients before you make the mistake of taking on the representation. Among the responses I received, there was a request to discuss how to deal with basically good clients with a few unappealing behaviors. These are clients you want to keep, but you just wish that it was a little easier to deal with them in some respect. In this post I’ll make some suggestions on how to wrap up meetings with clients who take up too much of your time. […]

12 02, 2013

Picking the Wrong Clients? You Can’t Blame the Wreck on the Train

2019-03-20T22:20:16+00:00By |2 Comments

Lyrics from the song:  “You Can’t Blame the Wreck on the Train”  by Terri Sharp:

“When the gates are all down
And the signals are flashing
And the whistle is screaming in vain,
And you stay on the tracks, ignoring the facts
Well then, you can’t blame the wreck on the train.”

Almost all lawyers have rued their decision to take on some client, and with hindsight can recognize the warning signs that they disregarded. Many of us learned our lessons the hard way, but you don’t have to. Well…you probably will learn the hard way that a difficult client can cause you a lot more harm than the lost fees you wind up writing off. But after one such experience, if you ignore these warning signs, then you can’t blame the wreck on the train.  […]

10 01, 2013

Keep a Success Journal to Be a Happier and More Productive Lawyer

2019-03-11T21:41:57+00:00By |2 Comments

Keeping a Success Journal BlogIt’s that “rubber-meets-the-road” time of year  again.  When solos start closing out the books on their law practices for the year, it spurs them to look back and take a little personal inventory.  Some law firms and law departments ask their lawyers to summarize their accomplishments in connection with their annual performance review.  I ask my clients to scrutinize their successes and their disappointments for the year that is ending, before setting their goals for the year to come.

As I assist lawyers with these processes, I notice that, although they may remember their shortcomings and disappointments with all the gory detail of a train wreck, they often forget significant achievements from the first half of the year. They also forget the heartfelt note of appreciation they received from a client four months ago and the midnight oil they burned for weeks to meet an important deadline. Sometimes when they master a skill or change a habit, the new behavior becomes so natural that they don’t count it as an achievement. They forget the awkwardness of their first attempts and how daunting the hurdle initially seemed.


18 12, 2012

Enhance Your Chance of Getting Good News at the End of the Year

2019-03-20T22:21:20+00:00By |Comments Off on Enhance Your Chance of Getting Good News at the End of the Year

This is the time of year when many lawyers have a meeting with a supervisor or a compensation committee to discuss their performance over the past year. Many big firms, corporations and government agencies have instituted procedures that give the attorney an opportunity to submit a self-evaluation in advance of their performance review. Many small law firms are more informal, or even haphazard about the process, however.

If there is an established procedure, follow the guidelines or instructions. When an organization doesn’t have a formal review procedure, I recommend that my clients prepare a concise memo, email or other written communication summarizing their accomplishments of the past year. Most associates just wait anxiously, but passively for the news. They may think the partners are aware of what they have been doing all year, or perhaps they think it is safer to stay under the radar. Maybe they just don’t know what else to do. […]

19 11, 2012

How to Give Thanks to the People Around You

2019-03-11T21:46:30+00:00By |3 Comments


“Karyn, thank you for working so steadily from the time you arrive at our office to when you leave. Your dedication demonstrates that I can trust you to play fairly with me. Trust is important to me, and it is a relief and a time-saver not to have any concerns about your attitude.” That’s a message I want to convey to my assistant in this month dedicated to expressing gratitude.  I know she’ll receive this message, because she’ll publish this blog post for me. I’m hoping she’ll relish having the world (or at least this corner of it) know something that I appreciate about her.

I’ve written previously that studies have found various ways that expressing gratitude can enrich your life and increase your enjoyment of your law practice. I wrote about the value of acknowledging a job well done, which is a form of expressing gratitude, and how to give an effective acknowledgment. I’ve also written about the importance of demonstrating your appreciation to referral sources. Are you starting to get the message that I think having an “attitude of gratitude” is important? […]


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