11 01, 2008

A New Year by Design or by Default?

2008-01-11T18:49:40+00:00By |Comments Off on A New Year by Design or by Default?

A bright and talented lawyer lamented: “Where did all the money go?” He was a charismatic guy and had attracted a few good cases. Because he was a skilled lawyer, he enjoyed some success. However, when profits began to dwindle, at first he didn’t notice. Then he didn’t know how to adjust his strategy, because he didn’t really have one.

In the business world, companies can’t get financing if they don’t have a business plan. That’s because bankers know that owners who run their businesses by the seat of the pants are more likely to fail. A business plan doesn’t guarantee success, but in the process of creating one, we establish goals. We consider ways to achieve those goals and how to address the obstacles to achieving them. We set a clear intention about how we want to spend our resources of time, money and talent. That clarity of intention helps us make better decisions when opportunities or obstacles arise. Sometimes during planning we have thought through the consequences of various options in advance. Other times we can ask ourselves, “Is this opportunity more likely to move me toward or away from my goal?”


15 10, 2007

Is Your Life Fulfilling?

2007-10-15T11:22:05+00:00By |Comments Off on Is Your Life Fulfilling?

Want a happier and more fulfilling life? Then perhaps you should look at what really peeves you. Are you driven nuts by drivers who weave in and out of the freeway lanes? Do you find yourself screeching at family members who leave dirty dishes on the sink instead of putting them in the dishwasher? Does your blood pressure rise in the doctor’s waiting room as the clock strikes half an hour past your 11 a.m. appointment?

When you identify what annoys or angers you, you find a clue to one of your values. By “values” I don’t mean virtues or morals, but rather, what is important to you. Your annoyance is a signal that one of your values is being stepped on. The weaving driver may violate your value for safety or predictability. The family member leaving a trail of dirty dishes may violate your value of orderliness or personal responsibility. The doctor with the overloaded appointment book may violate your value for punctuality or reliability or respect.

If the situation doesn’t just annoy you, but rather, it makes you want to explode, then that same value is probably being stepped on elsewhere in your life. What changes can you make in your circumstances, your attitude or your actions that will bring your life more in alignment with your values? Wherever we are not honoring our own values, we create stress and imbalance in our life. Often, that is just when we tend to blame someone else for our unhappiness.


10 01, 2007

What’s Holding You Back?

2007-01-10T16:45:28+00:00By |Comments Off on What’s Holding You Back?

A couple of years ago I wrote about strategies for actually accomplishing the goals we set for ourselves at the beginning of the year. It’s that time again, and you can read that article by going back to the January 2005 issue of The Practice Manager or you can view it on our website. If you implemented those ideas, I know you made a lot of progress. If you didn’t make progress or didn’t implement any strategy to achieve your goals, then some hidden factors may be influencing you. […]

11 12, 2006

Lawyer Burnout Likened to WWII Pilot “Target Fixation”

2019-01-16T22:18:44+00:00By |Comments Off on Lawyer Burnout Likened to WWII Pilot “Target Fixation”

There’s an excellent article called Target Fixationon the “Life at the Bar” blog by Julie Fleming Brown. She likens lawyer burnout to the World War II fighter pilots who were so intent on hitting their targets that they failed to pull up in time after dropping their bombs, and literally hit their targets. If after reading Julie’s article you realize you need to find some ways to gain more time and disengage from “target fixation,” perhaps my article about ‘work/life’ balance tipsposted on December 7, 2006 will help. I’m also happy to brainstorm other solutions with you.

7 12, 2006

Work/Life Balance: Are You Tottering on the Brink?

2006-12-07T10:04:19+00:00By |Comments Off on Work/Life Balance: Are You Tottering on the Brink?

As a coach to lawyers, this is the time of year when I really hear the life balance questions. All year lawyers struggle to maintain work/life balance, but the challenges become more acute during the holidays. At the same time that family and friends clamor for our attention, year-end deadlines for budgetary, tax or financial reporting purposes cause our clients to pressure us with non-negotiable demands.

Here are tips to implement all year long to help achieve balance between work and your personal life, but especially during the holidays.

1. Put your own oxygen mask on first. This is the most important tip, and the one you’ll be most tempted to skip. The flight attendants tell you this for a good reason. You can’t help others or meet their demands if you deplete your own reserves. What replenishes your energy? What relieves stress for you? Spending a few minutes with nature nurtures the soul, even if you merely water the plants in your office. Create space for 15 minutes of quiet at the start of your day, and protect it. It sounds counter-intuitive and maybe impossible, but my clients are surprised at how problems roll off their backs, instead of developing into time-sucking crises, when they start the day with quiet time.



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